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The Birth Of The Ash Tree Home

I am not an expert in Self-Care. I’m simply a middle-aged, overly stressed, highly anxious, frustrated, at times extremely intense woman, desperately seeking a way to eliminate decades of poor life choices and health habits. This blog was not, I repeat WAS NOT created to portray myself as an expert. If you’re seeking a self-care expert or information on how to properly engage in Self-Care, there are thousands of “experts” on the internet. Trust me, I’ve looked.

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I don’t think I fully recovered from Covid for several months. I started to gain more weight and reached the heaviest I’ve ever been. I was and am considered obese. My blood pressure was up, so was my cholesterol. My body was giving me those warning signs again. My Dr told me I had some choices to make. Go on medication or make serious lifestyle changes. If I didn’t do something immediately, I could have a heart attack or stoke within a year. Yup! That scared me! Hello Costa Rica!

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